Whoever runs a company knows that this has its own dynamics. There are ups and downs and periods of drought again and again, just like in real life. And sometimes even entrepreneurs don’t see the forest for the trees. And just like in real life, an external perspective can help to get ahead. A business coach can help here.

Anyone who, as the owner or managing director of an SMC, is considering hiring a business coach and is not really sure whether this is appropriate can use the following checklist:

1. Where is it going?

One of the essential success factors of SMCs is a uniform direction – especially if you manage your company together with other owners. As the sole owner, your success is decisively shaped by a consistent vision. So if you are constantly weighing up different business models or regularly wondering whether your product is the right one at all, it might be time to hire a business coach.

2. What are your priorities?

Without clear priorities, business success becomes a random event. Here a precise analysis can help to identify strengths and weaknesses in individual areas of the company. At the same time, you will see where your priorities are right and where they should be redirected. However, no analysis of the world can solve the identified problems at this point, a company coach is the right contact person.

3. Plan and execute a strategy? No time…

Do you also know that? Your working day is more like a fire-fighting action than a management task. Do you have a plan for the criteria you use to process your to-do list? If you sometimes feel like a helmsman without a compass, it’s time to develop an overarching strategy. Business coaches usually specialise in developing long-term strategies together with their clients. A sparring partner can help those who are experts in everyday business matters to formulate the overarching plan.

4. Is everything done? Actually never…

No matter how fast or proactive you are when it comes to completing your tasks, there will always be topics that will be postponed and that will further burden you. If you find yourself repeatedly postponing important issues or subordinating them to everyday business, a business coach can help you as an effective “admonisher”.

5. Do you have free time or vacation? What is this…

If this seems familiar to you, it makes sense that delegating is not one of your favourite activities. In one of our business surveys, it became clear that 80% of the owners or managers of SMCs work far more than 40 hours a week, but not even 50% have planned this. The reason? Every entrepreneur assumes that there are specific tasks that only he can master. A business coach supports you in identifying the topics that another person can work through better. Even if you don’t yet have one in your company to whom you can transfer these things, a coach can help you find the right employee.

6. Nothing goes ahead? That’s how it feels!

Growth and advancement are seen as an essential success characteristic of companies. You are no exception, especially if you have the impression that nothing is going ahead. Often the necessary steps for operational growth are connected with substantial internal changes or even upheavals. Anyone who wants to bring a clear line into this is well advised to exchange ideas with a business coach and an external discussion partner. This will support you in defining realistic growth targets and developing a goal-oriented strategy that can take your company to the next level.

7. Is your company growing too fast? Alarm!

Although growth is usually at the top of the wish list for your company, fast growth can also put your company in a difficult position. All of a sudden everything seems to be too tight – personnel, time, proven processes or even premises – to cope with the flood of orders. Overworked employees, sick leave and too little time for the customers themselves – all this can jeopardise your business success. In this situation, your business coach is there to think through the necessary steps together with you and to develop a strategy with you – so that your structures fit your growth again.

Business coaching or corporate coaching services are available in a wide variety of variants.

Are you interested in more success for your business? Further information is available here.

  • International Focus – The world is our home
  • Virtual Couching – Wherever you are and whenever you want – we are there for you!
  • Focus on You – We really listen and understand
  • Coaching Experts – Confide in our experience
  • Result Orientation – We go with you the extra mile!

A business grows as much as its leaders
Your business growth correlates directly to its leadership growth. Without outside perspective and experience, your leaders can’t learn how to navigate change, and they don’t learn how to avoid dangerous pitfalls.
A business coach will help you set goals, and formulate the strategies you need to achieve them. We will help you to prepare your mindset to future changes and developments. We become an essential catalyst in your personal and professional growth. We help you to become the best version of yourself and to transform your knowledge and experience in substantial business growth, and isn’t that the wisest investment you can make?

Coaching for more success!

Is it worth the investment?

Yes, it is definitely worth the investment if you really commit to secure, stable and continuous growth. Discover your real potential and achieve your set company results. 

Company Philosophy

Develop the guiding philosophy of your company

Write your mission statement

Detect your Blind Spots

Improve your Public Relation Management

Company Structure

Build the right structure in our company

Learn to adapt the company structure to future changes

Products and Services

Find out the three most important things that you do every day

Establish the three main goals in your company

Learn to improve your work every day

Bring greater meaning to the work your company does?


Be a better leader

Build your Mastermind Team

Delegation is vital


Communicate the right way

Precision in communication

Lead efficient meetings


Show your team how to win

Living the company philosophy and mission statement

How to set and follow OUR goals

Strengthen the company loyalty of your team

Improve the relationship between your team and the management

How to create a top environment for top people

How to allow ambitious team members to develop their careers inside the company


Find your most important clients

Detect your position in the market

Find more and better clients

Market Expansion

Research an expansion plan

Finding and working with international representations

Preparing for future challenges

What is vertical and horizontal expansion?


Critical Thinking

Innovative Thinking

Visionary Thinking

Combined Thinking Power

Structure Be a better leader Ideal client Innovative thinking
Philosophy Communication Products & Services Creative thinking
Future Changes Mastermind Team Market expansion Combined thinking power
Decision-Making Goal setting


It may come as a surprise to know that even some of the world’s most famous and successful business owners and entrepreneurs have relied on business coaches at some point or another to help them meet their goals.
Eric Schmidt – formerly the CEO of Google – has said before that hiring a business coach was the best professional decision he ever made. He admits that it took some urging at first, as he was already a successful CEO of a rapidly-growing company.


All achievement, no matter what its nature or its purpose may be, must begin with a desire to change.

Through some strange and powerful principle of “mental chemistry” which she has never divulged, nature wraps up in the impulse of strong desire “that something” which recognises no such word as impossible and accepts no such reality as failure.

The ability to predict the future impact of a decision is foresight. Foresight is a critical component for success in all aspects of your life. When you move somewhere, you plan ahead to see what the job outlook is and the safety of a neighbourhood. If you are moving a business, it is wise to examine the impact of that decision. Will it be too far for some of your talented employees to drive? Will you lose business because of the change? What will you gain? We help you to respond to these questions.
Your business growth correlates directly to its leadership growth. Without outside perspective and experience, your leaders can’t learn how to navigate change, and they don’t learn how to avoid dangerous pitfalls.
What is work-life balance, should we strive for it and how do we achieve it? Nowadays we hear a lot about work-life balance, usually when people are feeling over-worked, stressed and not spending their time doing the things they think they would like to do. We are living in a constantly changing world. So is it any wonder that we feel that there is a loss of balance between our personal and working lives?
When a team functions effectively its impact can be powerful and far-reaching. However for a team to be effective it not only needs a shared purpose and clear goals it needs to pay attention to the relationships within it and the climate it creates.
It can be very challenging and difficult how a company faces face and handles different cultures. Very often there are different cultures in one country. It would be a mistake to think that what functions in one market will work the same way in another market. If the company cannot adapt their strategy, they may find themselves with enormous problems from the beginning. This may be perfectly fine for companies with massive resources, but not everyone has the money to sustain a loss for very long. But even with the best advice, the best way to get to know a culture is through trial and error.

Sometimes good enough is perfect.

Sometimes good enough is perfect.” When you only seek perfection, you miss the time element. Sometimes you just have to make a call and say, “This is good enough.” You’re launching a new product. You’re manufacturing something. You’re thinking of writing a book or an article. You’re presenting a pitch. You’re doing some marketing. Once you start hitting something that’s six, seven or eight out of 10, you need to release. If that scares you, just remember: All entrepreneurs you’re competing with are facing the same time constraint. If they go too slow and you act quickly, you win.


Do you want to discover and develop your true business potential?

If so, our coaching is for you, and if you use what we will develop together, you will make new and better progresses. Get started with new, innovative and creative ideas for more business success.

We are prepared to help you to bring up your business to new heights.

Build your business future with Siegbert Till Coaching

In a few seconds, this very moment – now – will be part of your past. Whatever you are now thinking and doing directly impacts your future. As you see, we’re not just speaking about the last few days, weeks, months or years, rather about the last seconds, minutes and hours.

The past always leaves behind tracks. Even if you master business success today, there will always be uncertainties and doubts about the future.  You will learn to know how to deal better with them. Winners see their threats and weaknesses as chances for substantial growth and do all to make use of them.

Structure of result-oriented processes:

    1    Clear and detailed definition of the end result

    2    Planning of the resources

    3    Prioritisation and preparation of alternative resources

    4    The setting of milestones and deadlines

    5    Organising resources

    6    Starting the process

    7    Course control and evaluation of improvements

    8    Reaching the desired result


One of the most important keys to a successful business is a positive mental attitude. Simply be confident of victory in every situation – you’ll always win something out of it. Be optimistic, positive and search for pathways. As I’ve already said: Don’t explain why something doesn´t work – find ways to make it work.


Surround yourself with people, who support you and your company in your development. Search for them and find them! If you can’t find what you need for your progress where you currently are, go somewhere else. If that’s not a possibility right away, put it at the top of your priorities. A palm tree doesn’t grow in the Antarctic, and you’re not going to find a polar bear in the desert. Everything needs the ideal environment. Search for and find your ideal business environment!


Always remember your goals and make them into your business mantra. Be thankful for every success and don’t let anyone keep you back. Responsibility is freedom and you alone can decide how free you want to be. Be committed to change, and be the leader people will look up to.

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